Thursday, December 31, 2009

Would you have a problem with your teenage kids being friends with Atheists?

There is zero point in teaching your children to discriminate based on religion, might as well tell them that black people are all thieves, all italians are mobsters, and all the irish are drunks. It serves no point. In the end your child will choose what it is she or he believes in regardless of how you feel about it. So you are better off just comforting them if someone hurts them, and allowing them to broaden their minds.Would you have a problem with your teenage kids being friends with Atheists?
No. But, then, she is an atheist. Well, not an atheist, actually - she's a pastafarian :DWould you have a problem with your teenage kids being friends with Atheists?
well i am a teenage and a lot of my friends are athiests. but i believe in god, and they dont try and tell me to change. you wouldnt believe this but teens actually arent really under pressure anymore i mean i am not, i dont let anyone tell me what to do i make my own decisions and my athiest friends are okay with me believing god.
Not at all.

If u are worried about them ';corrupting'; your daughter, ur daughter needs to be exposed to others' opinions and beliefs. u cannot shelter her. or else she won't learn about other people.

U can't shelter her ur whole life . that would only end up hurting her.

besides. it's not ur place to choose her friends for her, especially if u wud chose based on her friends' beliefs. She'll be friends with whoever she wants.

Diversity is part of life, u shouldn't stop her from explring the world or learning aobut others' beliefs.

That does NOT mean that she'll loose her faith at all.
No, no problem with atheists unless they were constantly preaching and trying to convert my kid.

Now if my kid wanted to hang out with cannibals, THAT would be an issue.
personaly i think ppl should not be judge by there belvies eveyr one belives different things........ i am atheists and most of my firends and chirtain and they never out me down and i think no one else should put any one donw
Of course not.
I raised my children to be open minded so they will hopefully never show prejudice against someone. In my opinion I would be looking at your kids' friend's attitudes and behaviors rather than their religion or lack of one.
no that has nothing to do wit how i raised him
no, of course not
Not at all. It's important to introduce ';real world';

relationships/friendships, to a teenager. If anything it can be beneficial for your teenager to interact with someone of a different faith or religion.
I do not have children. I think whatever religion they have unless it is terrorism or voodoo or something I would not care, or lack of.
Im an 18 and an atheist.

I have friends who are religious and im not some ';demon child'; who tries to convert them into non-religious people. They have their own beliefs and I have mine and I fully respect that.
No, I would prefer it
not at all, everybody has their own beliefs, it doesnt make them a bad person. religious people should never judge a person for not being religious and vice versa.
I would be very pleased to see that :)

and i'd also be worried if there wasn't at least one athiest (or ay other belief/religion) child around these days who questions the norm.
no, thats teaching your kids to discriminate based on religion
no, that's prejudging people for their beliefs.
of course not. do you have a problem with your child being friends with a catholic? what is the difference. there are many many religions in the world. why single out one? are you against hindu? muslim? baptist? just because some one does not believe in god, doesnt mean that they are a bad person or someone to fear or avoid. what if you didnt know what religion they were. i think there are bigger and badder things in the world to worry about than if someone is an atheist or not. how about your child hanging with someone that does drugs, or has sex with them? that i would worry about.
I think if Jessica or Nickie were their friends it might be a problem, but generally, atheists are people and can be just as nice as anyone else. I want my kids' friends to respect them and their beliefs and as long as they are willing to do so, then I would have no problem with it.
No. I don't agree with atheists' beliefs, but I'm not gonna object to my children being friends with them.
not at all
Only if my son/daughter started to lose her faith in the lord.
No I would not. Acceptance in today's society is key. We cannot dislike others who may have the same interests as us just because they do not have the same religious beliefs.
of course not. i would have a problem with my children hanging out with people who believe in an imaginary character and go to a building where they actually worship him. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My child has a very strong faith. I would only have a problem with it if my daughter did.

Let me rephrase- If my daughter came home and said, ';mom, so and so said that my belief in God is wrong and that God does not exist and I do not like that.............'; If it made her uncomfortable and the child tried to sway her belief , yes I would have a problem with it. We do not push our faith on others and I would expect the same respect.
No but i might have a problem with my child hanging out with an extremist which most thiests seem to be these days, athiesm is the LOGICAL way to live
Yes if I thought that they tried to influence them.
Yes, atheists aren't that smart and I would not want my child to be influenced by people who lack intelligence and logic.

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