Thursday, December 31, 2009

The media has a major role in teenage girls and their body perception?

The media has a major role in many things we are unaware of. As far as body perception, many teenage girls see what the media idealizes as beautiful and believe if they do not look like it, there is something wrong with them. The same thing works for the medias representation of love. You will notice that what you believe is a perfect relationship, is probably what you see in a movie. Unfortunately for us, we compare ourselves and our relationships to the media bias and sometimes we have unrealistic expectations.The media has a major role in teenage girls and their body perception?
Yes, not only teenage girls, but boys as well.The media has a major role in teenage girls and their body perception?
How could it not? They spend so much of their time glued to the television.
Yes, this is true. However, the male gender are pulling up the ranks and catching up with disorders such as anorexia and bulimia as well rates of plastic surgery to enhance their bodies.
yes. 25% of females believe they weigh less than they actually do.

There is a major obesity problem in the usa, and the media is leading people to believe they are thin and healthy.

A very informative website, kindly stay in website and check

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