Monday, December 28, 2009

Teenage boys, do you find fake girls more attractive?

My 14-year-old son is a good looking boy, and he seems to be very popular at school. Why does he always go for fake girls? You know, orange skin, false nails, bleached hair.Teenage boys, do you find fake girls more attractive?
IF your son is considered popular....

popular guys hang out with popular girls ----- which usually ends up being the girls who are the most trendy/pretty------ which probs means they wear fake stuff like you said to be trendy and try to be pretty and such

Also, since your son is popular, all the shy girls and girls who aren't as fake probably would be too shy to approach him

His friends probably hang out with the same group of people, and they too go after the ';fake'; girls which pressures your son to do the same.

HIgh Schools are all the sameTeenage boys, do you find fake girls more attractive?
those kind of girls are the ones who are ';popular'; so hes probably just sticking with his group. its quite sad. also girls like that tend to be the ones to wear the short skirts and low cut shirts so they show off a lot that make them more appealing. its just what the boys tend to go for. as he gets older hopefully he'll like the more real girls
no i don't

i'm 16 and i love natural looking girls, i cant stress this more. i also can't even begin to tell you how many times ive answered questions like these and i just hope girls can figure out that natural beauty is better.

i cant speak for all guys, but i can speak for myself
I'm not a teenage boy, but I have brothers so I know what you're talking about. Probably because they think fake girls are ';hotter'; or it's cool to be with the fake girls or something along those lines. But don't worry, it's only a phase, he'll get over it. They all do...
because he finds them more attractive. also, the fake girls attach themselves to the cute, popular boys because they arent going to achieve popularity on the REAL looks
teenage is an odd age..... let the time pass..... right now it's more of attraction that makes him go for such girls. when he grows up a bit, he'll understand that inner beauty is more important than colored faces.
to the guy that said does it matter? it does.

im in high school now. senior. ive noticed that. if you mean popular as in jock yeah get used to it.
I think Cu's that the styles that is like in now. You know like the girls in TV bleach blonde tanned, that's what I think.
Teenage boys are just too young to know any better...I think at 14 ANY girl is ok, but when he sees how dumb these girls are he may check out different types...hopefully.

No, hahaha.
Something about cookie cutter beauty that is appealing to males.

If only i knew what it was.
Maybe dats just his type I always thought dose girls look funny kinda like clowns.
He likes ooompah loompahs.
Its Pretty obvious, maybe bc he wants the fake girls cuz there popular or just to....';have fun';.
Uh well as teenagers, their sex drive is stronger than the brain so that would be why.
im a girl but thats so gross we don't have like any girls like that at school.

but fake nails fake tan and fake hair is soo gross
This is the question that all girls wish they knew the answer to.
Because those girls put out.
Because they look like plastic barbies, which is not a good thing at all.
well obvisly he likes slutty girls because he feels that he can rail them more easly
Unfortunatly thats the way kids are these days. he will see one day that he wants a real girl.
well i chose girls who im friends with and they just turn out hot and ur son mite like fake girls for their boobs
Whores look good, but arent.
Maybe he thinks that his chances of ';copping a feel'; are higher...and hes probably correct.
Why are you doing this behind your son's back?
It might be a fettish, or hes GAYY
No I do not... Unless it looks good on them..

i hate make-up on a girl...and i think most other guys do too
they put out
cause hes a teen

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