Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What are your views on Teenage Pregnancies?

Its for a school project any info on prevention and consequences would be well appreciatedWhat are your views on Teenage Pregnancies?
Although we are all noticing the rising figures in teenagers falling pregnant, we are not taking into consideration the fact that we are teaching our children about sexual behaviours at a much earlier age, letting them know the in's and out's-so to speak. A 15 year old 10yrs ago is not the same as a 15yr old in today's society- everyone wanted the youth to mature and know about adulthood at an earlier age so they would be better prepared, but instead it opened them up to a world of knowledge in an area they shouldnt know about so early!

Personally, a mother is a mother, regardless of her age. I think that judgment should be put aside and used for bad parents, like abusive ones and the like, but other than that we really cant go about labelling people based on what they are, instead of who they are or even how they do the job! Having a baby is a hard task for women in their 30's, but its even harder when you are a teenager, and the majority of them succeed at it.

We teach our children about the prevention of pregnancy at an early age, opening their eyes to the sexual world.

The consenquence is that they know to much about it b4 they r mature enough to deal with itWhat are your views on Teenage Pregnancies?
Teenage pregnancies are most often the result of ignorance due to parents failing to be proactive about discussing sex and offering birth control.

A huge cause is most teenagers, both guys %26amp; girls, do not know you can get pregnant from pre-ejaculate. Most parents never discuss ';pulling out'; as an ineffective method of birth control. This accounts for the majority of pregnancies from what I have seen.

Most are not educated about condoms or their ability to fail, and most are too embarrassed or scared to tell their parents they are even having sex. This leaves it up to the parents to bring the subject up when they become teens, and to tell them if they do decide to have sex they will help them obtain birth control. Even ';good'; kids will have sex, and parents can only preempt the dangers by being open.

I believe that because so many parents are failing, schools should consider stepping in and being more aggressive when it comes to educating children about sex.

Some of the consequences of teenage pregnancy are educations cut short, STDs that are sometimes lifelong and pose more serious health risks and even death, more unwanted children put up for adoption, and more financial strain on the state and government due to the assistance required for children to raise children.
I think that if you feel old enough to engage in sex then you should be old enough to accept the consequences of it. Sex is not a game (albeit very enjoyable) and has disasterous consequences from pregnancy to AIDS.

I also think a lot of teenage pregnancies come from kids being uneducated about sex or being too scared to ask an adult for advice on it. If there were more organisations which worked on educating kids and advising them on birth control etc then there would be a lower rate of teenage pregnancies.
Well I firmly believe that teenage pregnancies do not happen through lack of eduation or the likes I believe it is a matter of the girl thinking that will never happen to me or it was just once without a condom what are the chances etc etc. These will never be prevented but it should be emphasised in schools not with more education on contraeption but on people coming into to talk to the class with real life experiences on the fact that they believed it would never happen to them and it did and people who just didnt use that condom 1 time and are now mothers. Teenagers relate more to people that understand and have an insight into what they are going through. I think that it would do the world of good if there was young mothers coming into schools and telling their stories to people in class and telling them exactly what it is like to fall pregnant and have no idea what to do about it.

Best of Luck with your project
I wish it would not happen. I think it is lack of sex Ed, fear of getting protection because of what people will think of them, lack of communication between children and parent.

ways to prevent it Sex Ed classes, easy accesses to good condoms, open lines of communication between parent and child.

Consequences Unwanted child, regret, family rejects the teen mom.

Not all teens that get pregnant were not useing protection not all of them have a hard time. Not all of them regret having the baby. One of my friends had her daughter when she was 18 she is 26 now. That little girl is the love of her life and she is a great mom. So it all depends on the person. I know another girl that got pregnant when she was 17 and is 28 she's an awful mother. She leaves him with anyone that will watch him and goes out and parties like a rock stare just about every night. It's sad.
I live in a small town and it seems like the teens here are getting pregnant just because there is nothing better to do. Unfortunately it is a rude awakening(sp). A lot of teens also think they cannot get pregnant because the male pulls out this of course is false because there is such a thing as pre-*** which contains semen. Also birth control. I too was on the pill but missed a few days and ended up pregnant I am 22 though. Antibiotics can cancel out birth control which a lot of teen girls do not know. Some teens are lonely and think that if they have a baby they will never be alone again and this is true but it is such a huge responsibility. Also if they are in a relationship the girl will get pregnant thinking that it will make the boy stick around. I have seen so many young girls get pregnant for the wrong reason, I work at a hospital, and I believe it takes away from thier youth. I hope this helps sorry if it was a little lengthy.
my view is that teenage pregnancies are mainly caused by either being mis-informed or not informed at all about pregnancy and sexual education. I've heard girls say ';oh he peed first and didn't ejaculate in me so I couldn't get pregnant.'; Totally wrong. I think parents need to better educate their sons and daughters.
that first answer is just stupid!! Is it really down to the parents? No i dont think so my mum has 5 kids and my sister got pregnant at 14, she had a normal upbringing and knew all about sex but she just wanted a baby as i found out in her diary!! her other 4 kids myself included have not had kids until we were all into our twenties and in stable relationships! Teenagers make better parents than some adults i know! if they love their children, do not take drugs or abuse alcohol and can give their babies what they need then bring on more more teen pregnancies and get rid of bad parents! x
as a teen who is pregnant i feel there are a lot of stereotypes.

for intance

we used birth control

but i apparently gor the .1% chance...

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