Saturday, January 9, 2010

Why is the teenage generation today getting shorter? Are vaccines stunting their growth?

Each generation, as the trend would have it, usually gets taller.

But I'm noticing how short (as well as fat, that's another issue) the teens today are.

Not only that, but Americans are the shortest people on average in the entire industrialized world,

and we vaccinate the most.

(Especially the vaccine programs that got implemented after 1990)

I only had to get several vaccines,

these children today are growing up having to get upwards of 30.

Yet the generations are getting sicker and shorter,

and I've also noticed that each generation's skin is getting worse,

more acne, and other skin conditions which are related to immunity disorders.

Not to meantion the epidemic levels of asthma, more and more children are getting that as well,

it just goes on and on.Why is the teenage generation today getting shorter? Are vaccines stunting their growth?
I think you should READ more. What you don't know is astounding. Take your anti vaccine crap over to the parenting section where stupidity runs rampant.Why is the teenage generation today getting shorter? Are vaccines stunting their growth?
Get an education dear, I'm sure you qualify for some grant of some sort.

What you know about medicine and genetics would fit on the head of a gnats dick.

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Other induistrialized nations have the same vacines. If there is an obesity and growth problem it is more likely due to poor nutrition, such as high quantities of the crap they call fast food.
4 words explains it all----- lack of work ethics !!!!
Um....maybe you live in a physco part of america because i am noticing that the guys are getting taller than their fathers and the girls taller than thier mother....children under the age of 13 are the chubby ones

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