Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Should parents give thier teenage dauters birth control?

y or why not? Can parents really expect their daughters to remain virgins till the age of 20 at least?

Should parents give thier teenage dauters birth control?
YesShould parents give thier teenage dauters birth control?
I think the daughter and the parents should sit down and talk about it.

I am a guy, but at age 16 I became a dad. My girlfriend was 15 and not on birth control. But I didn't use protection either.

I do not believe in abortion. Our son is now 14. I don't regret my son for 1 moment. I love him and cherish him.

But it was very hard finishing high school and having a job to support my son, then going to college for my certified mechanics license. Often times I worked on 4 hours of sleep at the most. I do not regret my son being born. But at age 16 and my girlfriend only 15 was not the right ages to become a parents. We were still kids overselves.

Had we at least been done with high school it would have been so much easier, for my son, his mom and myself. I have had to have a steady job somewhere or another since I was 15. My life was not over. It just changed more than it should have. When we should have been able to be an average teens. That part was out of the question anymore.

My son walked with me to get my diploma from high school. I was lucky I even got to finish school in the 1st place.

At 20 years old I went to kindergarten with my son at his 1st day of school. People thought he was my little brother.

So I think if a teenager is going to be sexually active it is a very wise idea to use protection any way possible. The best prevention is of course abstinance, but I'm here to tell ya, that doesn't always work. So yeah definitely sit down and talk to your kids/parents about this BEFORE they/u become sexually active. It could save u a lot of hardships later.

Not that my son was any kind of hardship, but that it would have been much better for him, his mother and myself if we had waited until at least out of high school to become parents.

I now have an 8 year old daughter also. My kids are my life and have been since I was 16. I do not regret becoming a dad. I regret that I wasn't older. It made me have to grow into a man before I should've had to. Should be a youth as long as u can be. Never grow up too fast. There's time for that later. It's the lessons I am trying to teach my own children now. Not by it being a mistake that I became a dad, but that I became a dad too young.

Sorry this is so long but it's my answer.

If the daughter will be sexually active at 16 YES get her on birth control and if it's a son, talk to him about condoms.

Teach abstinance but don't expect that kids will make that choice, just show them how it's best. And to never grow up too soon. But make sure they know about protection if they are going to do it. And help them to have prevention from creating a baby just in case they choose to be active so young.

Tell them to never rush growing up. Sex can wait and it is best if it does. Believe me, not only for yourself but for any children u can create. Be a youth as long as u can. Wait. That's the right answer.


Parents will hope for their daughters or sons to wait, but it usually doesn't go that way. Kids think they have to grow up so fast. Talk to them about why it's not the best. I learned from experience.

Teach them to take their time to grow up, but be responsible. It's how I am trying to teach my kids without making them feel like mistakes.

What's the line in the song

';...hold on to 16 as long as you can, change will come around real soon and make us women and men.....';
Only if they are sexually active. My mom thought just bc my sisters slept around that I did too and she tried to put me on birth control at 12!! It's better to be safe than sorry, so do your best to teach your daughter about safe sex, and having a trip to the local health dept or your family dr to discuss the dangers of STD's might be a good time to get the birth control and they give out free condoms. Dont condone it, but at least make sure your teenager has access to have safe sex if she's going to have it anyways. and make sure she is able to talk to you. Dont judge her or call her a whore, just listen and be there for her. She will likely be more open to take your advice if you are understanding. Good luck!
my mom put me on birth control at 16, she didn't know i was having sex, but a psychic told her, LOL, anyways i didnt get in trouble but she figured if i am going to do it anyways, might as well be fully protected, i was using protection, but obviously birth control is best, also it is good for women who arn't having sex it helps regulate your period, and takes the pain down a bit, so if your daughter is having bad periods, i would recommend it, i have all boys so i will never have to worry about it THANK god!
If their daughters are sexually active then yes they should give them birthcontrol. There is way too many teenage pregnancies now a days just because teens don't want their parents to know they are active. They'd better think of the consequences of that action. they always think It won't happen to me, and it always does. Which is smarter. asking for birthcontrol or being pregnant?
yes i think they should put their daughters on BC. its the smart thing to do unless your want to be a grandparent. but, who is to really say that the BC will work majority of the time. Hope they receive sex education properly. ugh..i don't look forward to the teenage years. I have a son and i am terrified to find out when he becomes sexually active.
That goes along with the talk about babies, and what happens if you become pg..... how yourlife at 16 is over.

If your daughter asks for them, sure. Take her to the doc, or to Planned Parenthood, and have her on the pill.... and along with the little talk goes the rest of it.... that the pill does not protect against HIV, and other STD's..... And some of these are terminal!!!
1) parents in this day and age, should be more responsible and explain sex to their kids

2) teens should be given birth control and shown how to use it

3) once past 18, they are adults and everything is their responsibility
Yes! I wish I had thought of it before my 16 year old daughter got pregnant. Even though she stated she would wait till she was 18 to ever have sex, she did not. Unfortunately many women have been in my shoes also.
No. I'm 16 And Im On Birth Control. All Of My Friends Are On Birthcontrol Also!
Why don't you just give them really good sex toys, then you wont have to worry about men ever.

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