Monday, December 28, 2009

Is it hard for a african american male teen to have an relation with a indian or middle eastern teenage girl?

i wanted to know i dont see much of this relationshipIs it hard for a african american male teen to have an relation with a indian or middle eastern teenage girl?
They don't date out their religion.Is it hard for a african american male teen to have an relation with a indian or middle eastern teenage girl?
Actually thanks for mentioning this, my best friend is middle eastern...even though she has lived in the US since she was young, and all I see her date is black guys. But I think it depends on the girl, the reason why is that you may not find too many middle eastern people where you are, but if she is a nice girl and she is willing to date you than you should have no problem!
middle eastern/ indian fathers and cultures are VERY protective of their women, as are asian and hispanic cultures, but even more so. They really don't want their daughters being courted by males of another ethnicity that are known for not taking care of their OWN women/children/females, ect.
It happens, I have seen it once when I was out in California. I say go to Washington or somewhere and try to impress them lol. I am Indian and I do find Indian girls attractive but I won't date them because most in the US are snobby and arrogant (the ones I have met so far).
Its extremely rare. Because they do not date outside their religion. Yes it is. But if you mean relation as in friendship, no problem.

Why should it be hard? If they click and put all odds aside, everything should be fine.
Hindus,and Muslims do not date out of their religions and sometimes castes/social status's.

It's very rare
Its forbidden they date out of there religion unless you want to see them beheaded.
Won't the girl smell?

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